Our RCA Loudspeaker 106: How the First Electronic Instrument, the Theremin, was Heard.

A couple of weeks ago, some folks came into our shop looking to consign this thing:
Was this going to be another what the heck is it? Luckily for us, there was a label on the back:
Hmm….an RCA Loudspeaker 106 Electro-Dynamic. That’s what we had to work with. So this is some sort of speaker for a radio then. I mean, look at it. Any speaker I’m familiar with wouldn’t have a tapestry image like the one on the front. This speaker was actually manufactured to look...
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The Roadium Open Air Market and a Euphonia: A Love Story

Our shop is ordinarily closed on Tuesday and Wednesday. Laurence and I had decided that this week we would go and have a look around the Roadium on Wednesday morning. http://www.roadium.com/ There are a lot of vendors at this market, and most of them do not have antiques or collectibles. Mondays are the best day for old stuff there, but what-the-hey…it’s Wednesday; we are off of work and the sun is out! Ready to go, empty basket in hand. You never know what we are going to...
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LITHOPHANES: Images Revealed by Light
Right now, in our eBay store, http://stores.ebay.com/Studio-Antiques, you will find quite a few examples of a fairly difficult item to find, lithophanes. When I speak with customers in the shop, most have never heard of the term lithophane, so I thought it would be a great thing to reveal today.
The photographs above show just how beautiful a lithophane can be. The top two are actual lithophanes we have for sale. The bottom two...
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Walter Plunkett & Katherine Hepburn: Original Costume Design for the film “Song of Love” 1947
We bought our shop almost 27 years ago from a man named Walter Kell. Walter had opened our shop 27 years earlier as an art studio. He had studied painting and drawing not only in the USA, but in Paris as well. He was well known in the Southern California community and had made many, many friends among local artists. Eventually, the Walt Kell Studio Art Shop morphed into a framing store and antique shop. Our name, Studio Antiques, came from the fact that Walt answered the telephone with...
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This Week’s Find: Studio Antiques’ Picker’s Journal

2015 is upon us and it is my objective this year to write a blog entry every Sunday. Today, January 5th, 2015, represents my first post. Each and every week, something interesting comes into our shop, Studio Antiques. As a part of our normal course of business, we need to research these items in order to figure out WHAT we have and HOW to price it for sale. It is these interesting and unusual items that I will focus on in this blog. Learn along with us! I’ll also include a link to the...
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